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3E Exchange's Platform Protections


Security and IP Protections


3E Exchange’s goal is to be an unbiased and trusted intermediary for retailers, manufacturers, suppliers, and all users of 3E Exchange. As such, security and IP protections within the 3E Exchange platform is of utmost importance.



Security & IP Overview


Full Control

Users have full control of their data, how it's used, who sees it, and how it is protected. All data is secure unless users decide to actively share or publish their data.

Mark Data Proprietary

Suppliers can mark data as proprietary within 3E Exchange before sharing. Those that receive the data can still screen those ingredients against regulatory lists and see hazard ratings.

Mask Data

Users of 3E Exchange can mask their data down to the chemical level as proprietary and utilize percentage ranges before sharing to other entities such as in labels, reports, and shared materials library publishing.

We Won't Access It

3E Exchange support staff does not have access to customer data stored within 3E Exchange.

Utilize User Controls

User controls within a 3E Exchange account can be used to prevent other authorized users from editing and/or viewing data.

NDA Protection

All users are protected by our NDA and privacy policy built into our user agreement when signing up for 3E Exchange, including suppliers responding to surveys.






How 3E Exchange Can Help

Our platform gives you the confidence, control, and simplicity you're looking for when it comes to compliance. We know the compliance process can be confusing so we made our solution easy to understand. 3E Exchange helps you comply with regulations in a secure, efficient, and auditable way.

Try 3E Exchange risk free today

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Screen Instantly with Ease

Our platform puts the power of your own data back into your hands by allowing you to learn more instantly through our powerful reporting features.

Tracking and Auditability

Discover the ability to track products and materials over time more closely with our auditable history control.

Be Confident in your Data

Discovering new data insights from our platform gives you the confidence you deserve to effectively manage your products.

Manage Compliance Determinations

Make determinations from your products and leverage compliance data from suppliers.